The United States of America is no longer our nation. This is hardly an original insight on the Dissident Right, but millions of ordinary white Americans are learning the hard way that they have no place in the United States today. writes Peter Bradley on American Rennaisance, showing dozens of examples of people being insulted, denied medical treatment or medicine (which is provided to non-whites), not allowed to apply for certain jobs, police no longer providing them with ordinary security, crimes against them not being properly investigated…

Any such description is one-sided and perhaps even exaggerated. However, the feeling is there, and it is growing. And it is hard to deny that the American system is unable to provide ordinary white workers with reasonable life chances. And that it affects the less well-off classes – the richest tenth of whites, on the other hand, are profiting from it and eagerly helping to implement it.

And it is hard to deny that the American system is unable to provide ordinary white workers with reasonable life chances.

Peter Bradley logically asks why a white working-class American should fight for such a country. After all, because the army will feed him and pay him a salary and maybe pay his tuition. But between you and me – if he got the same offer from the Venezuelan or Chinese army, would it make any difference? If America was occupied by Russia and China, would the white working classes be worse off than they are today? Hardly.

Here we see one of the real roots of the loss of resolve to defend someones own country. For the aristocrats it may be softness, but for the lower three it is more often a feeling of: we have no reason to defend this system.

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