Meet PhDr. Petr Hampl, PhD.

Dr. Petr Hampl is a widely read Czech sociologist, patriot and activist, author of several books.

Petr is the founder and program director of the school, where the best Czech independent scholars teach. These are people who have the title of professor, enjoy universal respect, and cannot work in humanities departments where liberals rule. He is often referred to as a veteran of the anti-immigration movement because he was one of the leaders of the group that in 2015 prevented the then-prime minister from opening the country to migrants and forced him to resign.

He underwent a similar development of thought as most young Czech scholars of his generation. He participated in protests against the late communist regime and admired the West and the free market. Gradually, however, he discovered that the West of the 1980s was gone. And he was also learning what it was like to live in a country that was an American colony and effectively ruled by Soros groups.

For much of his career, Hampl has focused on the class conflict between the global multicultural elite and ordinary working people. In the beginning, his ideas were neglected and even labeled communist, but later they were accepted by a broad swath of Czech society and became more mainstream. Even so, Hampl has paid the price for telling the truth, being shunned by mainstream media and prohibited from teaching at the university level.