For Americans, the Russian-Ukrainian war is an interesting TV show. The people of Western Europe are facing major economic complications because of the sanctions. And Central European countries are experiencing a refugee crisis. It is different from the incursion of Muslim hordes into Germany, France, Italy and other countries after 2015. It is also different from the flow of Latinos into the US.

The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland are in a situation where the vast majority of industry is owned by foreign investors. And what will foreign investors do when hundreds of thousands of people willing to work for less than the cost of living come in?

And what will foreign investors do when hundreds of thousands of people willing to work for less than the cost of living come in?

“For a large part of our hypocritical fellow citizens, at least the more educated and entrepreneurial ones, Ukrainians are just cheap labour. As I have already written. They will work for less money , more hours , harder and be far more easily blackmailable. Absolutely no benefit to all of us common people. We will lose our jobs , our homes , our almost non-existent security , our medical care already unavailable in the countryside,” wrote one reader today. And indeed, it has not yet had time to properly manifest itself and the numbers of new foreclosures are already skyrocketing.

…the numbers of new foreclosures are already skyrocketing.

Even if such a view is exaggerated, it is a legitimate concern. And it is the DUTY of the government to put forward a plan, a concept or a vision of how it wants to address the situation. So far it has offered only platitudes of unity and repression against those who criticize the situation. If he stays with that, then we have no choice but to conclude that this is the worst government since the occupation by the German Nazis. Even the worst communist governments tried to do something for the people. And I remind you again – the current disaster is not something like an earthquake. The leaders of the current government parties have worked long and hard to drag us into war and to make the effects on the citizens of the Czech Republic as bad as possible. Even if they managed to solve everything, they would still only be undoing what they have done.

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