The conventional wisdom says that the driving force for social change will be the poorest and most disabled because they have nothing to lose. I am afraid that is an illusion. It is in this stratum that we find the most justified anger, but the necessary resources and skills are lacking. If such layers have participated in revolutions in the past, they have been subjected to strict discipline or training.

Those who become impoverished, lose their way of life, are angry, and subjectively feel they have been deprived of everything pose a much greater danger to the regime. They still have the means to organise resistance.

We are entering a time when even the educated and relatively affluent classes will become poorer.

We are entering a time when even the educated and relatively affluent classes will become poorer. Some of their members may be satisfied with something like “I still have at least a sense of superiority over the lower classes”, but others will come to hate the regime.

It is a pity that the anti-regime opposition is so focused on the fringe eccentric groups that it discourages the frustrated upper classes.

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