We hear repeatedly that the war in Ukraine is in a stalemate. I am afraid that this is the same self-delusion as the previous mumbo-jumbo about the Ukrainian offensive crushing the half-naked barbarians from the eastern steppes.

The reality is that attrition is hitting the NATO side faster, so the moment is inexorably approaching when the Russians will be able to go anywhere in what is now Ukraine (and perhaps not only there) and take anything without the other side causing them significant problems. More fighting machines and more dying may delay that moment by a few weeks or months, but it will come anyway.

This is the result of two years of war. Before the war, Russia was not nearly as strong.

This is an opportunity to clarify what we who opposed the war from the beginning wanted. I never expressed any sympathy for the Russian regime. Their Russian problems are not my problems. I considered the war to be unnecessary, but my main objection was this: ‘If you want to go to war against the Russians, behave in such a way that you win.’ But the official “narrative” said that a proper NATO citizen must pretend that the stupidest strategy would lead to victory. Anyone who doesn’t believe that, and who might want to act rationally, is a traitor. In the Czech Republic, people were fired from their jobs and convicted in criminal proceedings. So NATO pursued the stupidest strategy. It has achieved exactly the result one would expect.

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