Laissez Faire

Jun 13, 2022

When it’s a normal day in America, that means people go to work, kids go to school, some car accidents happen, and some young man shoots a few people in a school or supermarket.

Most of the public debate consists of everyone proposing exactly what they wanted to push through a long time ago. The only difference is that they newly justify it on the grounds that it will supposedly prevent massacres. Like disarming the population. It’ll help about as much as the introduction of gay marriage will stop Putin.

One of the few sensible contributions to the debate thus written by a Somali woman, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She reminds us of what everyone should know. That some nutters are dangerous, and that when an adult starts publicly threatening to murder someone, it should be addressed. It also reminds us that the number of beds in psychiatric clinics in the US has been reduced by 95% (!) and that those who should be in those clinics are somewhere. Some “just” end up homeless, others can be taken care of by their relatives, but some are dangerous.

Note that the woke left fights against the supposed oppression of the majority society, manipulated by the media, imposing its idea of mental health on everyone. The right fights against government spending on mental health care. Stronger together.

…the idiocy of the Darwinist idea that those who can’t make it in society should be thrown overboard and that if others contribute to their treatment, it will supposedly destroy freedom…

Again, this shows the idiocy of the Darwinist idea that those who can’t make it in society should be thrown overboard and that if others contribute to their treatment, it will supposedly destroy freedom and undermine spontaneous initiative and I don’t know what. So there you have it. How many of the parents of the murdered would rather pay higher taxes and live in a country without murdering lunatics. And also the idiocy of the idea that the majority society has no right to impose its values on people.

The reality is otherwise. If you want to live in a country where everyone’s problems are their own private business, and if you want to live in it safely, then there is only one option left. Preemptively shoot anyone who loses their job, gets poorer, can’t find a girlfriend, or has other problems. Laissez Faire.

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