Western man has lost the traditionally optimistic attitude towards the future which was the vital force of our ancient Indo-European warrior ancestors and which, since the eighteenth century, has been associated with the material and moral progress of Western civilization. Even the totalitarian or genocidal ideologies of fascism, Nazism and communism won their adherents with visions of ‘bright tomorrows’. The question is whether the current bleak state of affairs is due to genuine historical exhaustion, a sign that our civilization is nearing its end, as Oswald Spengler, for example, predicted, or whether it is merely a random aberration, a sudden spasm of pessimism, or the result of a temporary and unfortunate political constellation. I am still convinced that it is the latter.


Our ancestors overcame incomparably greater difficulties, crises, threats and disasters in the past. They emerged from them, though with many scars, but strengthened. Throughout human history there have been thousands of different societies, most of which have disappeared. We are the descendants of those who succeeded and survived. We should not spoil it for them now.


By a fortunate coincidence, we can see clearly the causes of our problems. Since 1989, there has been an ideological and political current, supported by global forces, which has been trying to deprive the Czech Republic of its statehood and turn our country into a mere cheap assembly plant without its own innovative potential and political will. It has never been more influential than today, when it controls the mainstream media, the Constitutional Court and academic institutions, and has won parliamentary elections. He is likely to win the presidency as well. It is clear that he cares absolutely nothing for the quality of life of the people of the Czech Republic and that he is pursuing the interests of his foreign patrons exclusively. All the masks have fallen off. The time for open conflict has arrived.


What is particularly disturbing is the widespread collective conformism of the middle classes, many of whose members not only sincerely believe the official propaganda and ideology, but actively spread it further, often without directly benefiting from it. Thus, long-standing friendships break down and unnecessary dams are created even within families. Intellectual conversation has virtually disappeared as conversation about public affairs or foreign policy between formerly close friends or family members turns into a dangerous field full of landmines.


In traditional societies, the bearer of “truth” was a priest communicating with the gods or a ruler employing an executioner. In a post-Enlightenment democratic society, we achieve “truth” through open debate and consensus, while granting everyone the right to private judgment. This is no longer the case. It is telling, however, that behind the fight against ‘disinformation’ or ‘fake news’ is not the desire to build a socially just utopia, as in the past, but purely to increase the profits of multinational corporations. Any parent, son or daughter who alienates their loved ones because of their opinions taken from the media or from a political cartel should realise that the only one who really benefits from their painful rupture is an unknown representative of the oligarchy.


One can militantly and courageously enter the public sphere and allow oneself to be destroyed with the prospect that future generations living in happier circumstances might hail one as a hero. Those who are not attracted by this prospect of life need not retreat into isolation, but must, within their means, care for their surroundings and their fellow-men and take the path of personal development. Adopt stoic resilience, resist bitterness or bitterness with irony, don’t watch too much media, get rid of the TV and read a lot of accessible and good books. None of us will make it out alive anyway. On the other hand, I believe in the potential and strength of the Czech Republic and Western civilization. All this is just a cleansing crisis.

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