Men give more time to sports than women. You would assume otherwise when you see those eternal aerobics classes, gyms and hours on the treadmill, but the statistics are clear. The statistics for Australia, where the interesting research was conducted.

It’s interesting in another way. It shows that when the number of hours spent at work increases significantly, men still find time to exercise, whereas most women give up. The researchers interpret this to mean that “men steal women’s time” (the press release headline), but the real point is that if something is a priority for a man, he goes for it. Regardless of the raised eyebrows of those around him. And it’s not a matter of upbringing – Australian women are as emancipated as it gets. It’s a typical biologically embedded behavioural trait.

A lot of men would welcome it if women more often directly told them what they want. And if they showed more self-confidence.

It’s a shame, actually. A lot of men would welcome it if women more often directly told them what they want. And if they showed more self-confidence. When Czech sexologist Laura Janáčková wrote years ago that men want sluts, this is exactly what she meant. It’s nicer to live with a woman who takes the time to exercise, even if it means neglecting the house, than one who moans about having no life. But I guess there’s not much you can do about that. It’s a biologically ingrained trait.

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