It is somehow part of our world that from time to time a young woman will strip in public to make a political point, usually a completely confused and often stupid one. Undressing for the air, for the climate, for animals, against Putin, against Orban, for migration, against sexism and I don’t know what else. The girls are just having fun and of course there is nothing to object to. Their parents probably object (and sometimes the wives of business partners object), but they don’t matter.

I wish America’s young men would adopt it. But there, a different pattern of behaviour is developing. A young man expresses his political stance by going out and killing some defenseless people. Hopefully this leads to fewer jihadist attacks in America (you can’t scare the infidels by doing what they themselves do regularly), but that’s it too.

The problem is that mass murder has become normal and common in America. They weren’t a generation ago, they are today

I was going through the manifesto of Payton Gendron, the Buffalo killer, today. He starts with an exclamation that the white birth rate should be increased (nothing wrong with that, I guess), then various confused exclamations and a statement that he is defending his community. However, how shooting a few old black women in a supermarket will stave off attacks on his community is not addressed. The stripper girl is no better off, she’s not killing anyone though.

The problem is that mass murder has become normal and common in America. They weren’t a generation ago, they are today. Just like girls swallow pills, depressed boys go out to kill. It’s on TV all the time, everyone knows about it, it’s part of everyday life. It doesn’t matter what’s in the manifesto.

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