As we bemoan the New Green Deal, and rightly so, we should not forget one advantage. Perhaps the only one.

The gradual liquidation of the entire existing economy (that’s all that matters) allows for far greater profits than migration and than sex changes. So the best brains, the interests of the biggest foundations and the most money are moved. Even People in Need (the Czech arm of Soros’ Open Society) has already started to get involved in climate change.

The proper politically correct applicant for a lackey position in the global elite is of course still pro-migration and pro-gender.

The proper politically correct applicant for a lackey position in the global elite is of course still pro-migration and pro-gender. But the main concern is elsewhere. Jihadists are still being imported into Europe, but the flow has slowed. We have bought some time. Because – make no mistake – a broken economy will one day be repaired, while population replacement is irreversible.


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