Elon Musk has attacked the most sensitive place in the UK’s ruling class. As you may already know, he has come out publicly to demand an investigation into Prime Minister Starmer, who in 2008-13, when he was Attorney General, deliberately covered up for Muslim gangsters who raped girls aged 13 and under.
This is far from just an attack on the Prime Minister. It is not just that a particular person is evil, corrupt or cowardly. Musk is attacking something that underpins the current way of governing and the whole political culture of the upper classes in the UK. The unwritten constitution envisages that Muslim gangs have the right to behave violently towards the white underclass – intimidate, beat someone up now and then, rape, rarely get away with murder. What they probably didn’t count on originally was that Pakistani Muslims would create an entire industry to kidnap girls from working-class families and sell them as sex slaves. However, it fits in well with the British context and the British political system. There is also an unwritten moral obligation on members of the upper class to at least tolerate it, but more likely to facilitate it. What Starmer did, any posh Brit would have done in the prosecutor’s position. If the PM himself is actually investigated, and if it destroys his career, it will shake the whole system of government and the fabric of society.
So we cannot be surprised at the backlash. The government has already tabled a bill that will make it illegal to even talk publicly about Muslim rape gangs.
If the ruling class is cohesive (and it seems to be), no outside tycoon can reverse this, no matter how much money he puts into it. We don’t know, however, how cohesive it is. And there doesn’t seem to be any opposition looming. Clearly the best known and most able opposition figure is Nigel Farage, and he is clearly pro-Islam. Islam, he says, is a religion of peace, it is no more violent than Christianity, there is no mass rape going on, only the fringe extremists are the problem, and in fact one must not even intervene against them because it might offend the moderates. And anyone who wants to address the situation is a dangerous extremist. Just everything we know from the multicult.
Elon Musk has already said that the real leader of the opposition should be Tommy Robinson, but he is a man of incredible courage, but without Farage’s talents, and above all – he is of a poor background, which is insurmountable in the British caste society. For many, the demise of one’s own country is more acceptable than a common worker in high politics.