Yesterday I published here a nice essay on Western rationality by Eva Svobodova, my collaborator in the anti-Islamic movement and an extremely intelligent woman.  And what is essential to understanding why we have defended and are still defending Western civilization.

What makes the West the best place ever is a combination of rationality, belief in progress, personal freedom, and interpersonal solidarity (compassion). This is what sets us apart from other civilizations. It gives us the moral high ground. And it has so far given us such economic and warlike superiority that we have been able to defend our values. In such a world there is room for religion and for all sorts of irrational and esoteric movements. But they must not gain such strength that they can threaten or even replace the main thing – rationality, progress, freedom, solidarity.

What makes the West the best place ever is a combination of rationality, belief in progress, personal freedom, and interpersonal solidarity (compassion).

Eva Svobodova points out that this is exactly what is happening. From one side, the elitist anti-civilization left – the supporters of gender and climate madness – is attacking. On the other side is the “alternative” – opponents of vaccinations, sanitation and, in fact, the whole of modern medicine (and, indeed, modern biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry). The thinking on both sides is very similar. They make intelligent and less intelligent people into a blunt aggressive mob forbidding to think, tearing down statues, attacking scientists, doctors and hygienists. My guess is that if something like this were to prevail, it would easily come to terms with Islam. It is their hatred of rationality, science, progress and their utter rejection of responsible freedom and solidarity that will unite them.

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