I’m from a part of the world that was once in the socialist camp. Just like Kazakhstan. Later, I supported business there. It’s a country where we have contacts, and we have a pretty good idea of what’s going on there. Unlike Anglo-American mainstream journalists and “analysts” who are as wrong as they were about Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and every other country they’ve ever had anything to do with.

…mainstream journalists and “analysts” who are as wrong as they were about Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and every other country they’ve ever had anything to do with.

In societies like Kazakhstan, there are only two choices. There can be a secular dictatorship which is very violent, but which cannot do otherwise because its methods correspond to the local tradition. The other option is fanatical Muslim killers. Beheadings, slave markets, stonings, bombings…and everything else we know as the Islamic State.

Under such conditions, there can be no moderate democratic opposition. It would be destroyed by one side or the other. It’s just that Americans are constantly supporting various gangs in different parts of the world, and each time they find that they have given arms and support to Muslim radicals. Will Kazakhstan ever be democratic? In the future, maybe. But it has to grow towards it gradually.

The criminals who were cutting heads in Syria some time ago were now cutting heads in Kazakhstan.

The Kazakh President made a huge mistake – he let foreign investors into the country. Kazakhstan has experienced what all other post-Soviet states have experienced. After the arrival of foreign investors, the standard of living fell. The foreigners may bring better technology, but they also need profits. And the profits have to keep increasing. So they push and push and push…

So the standard of living goes down, then the legitimate discontent, and that’s immediately hijacked by the jihadists. Backed by soros NGOs and a few thousand imported real warriors. The criminals who were cutting heads in Syria some time ago were now cutting heads in Kazakhstan.

It is great that this has been stopped. It is good for the people of Kazakhstan, it is good for neighbouring countries, and it is good for all decent people in the world.

Americans, please tell your government to stop destroying other countries.

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