Professor Ivo Budil (anthrologist, my friend and collaborator):

The expression of economic patriotism is building an independent national economy and breaking all the bonds of colonial subordination that have shackled and weakened us in the past decades. Economic patriotism is assertive and realistic.  It means promoting science, pragmatism and rationalism. It implies liberation from pseudo-humanist sentiment and all forms of progressivist doctrines that are destroying our minds and education. it builds on the determination of our forefathers to transform the Czech ethnicity into a modern political nation with our own choice to integrate among the most technologically advanced nations of the world. It is an authentic national conservatism that can be shared by all social classes and generations.

The state is the best instrument of collective national will at our disposal. Let us use it to reform administration, education and the judiciary, promote business…

The decision to opt for economic patriotism is the logical starting point for a radical program of national reconstruction that we must take back. Let us not believe the globalists and neoliberals that the state is an anachronism or a “necessary evil” that must be minimized for the sake of supposed freedoms. No, the state is the best instrument of collective national will at our disposal. Let us use it to reform administration, education and the judiciary, promote business, help the truly needy, build the most advanced infrastructure, develop nuclear power, defend national interests, and other noble purposes.

Economic patriotism can be a slogan and a watchword that will appeal to the mind and heart of every patriot and make him our supporter. It will ignite a successful and non-violent revolt that will awaken us from apathy and resignation and make us a free, developed and proud nation.


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