The situation is steadily deteriorating throughout the Western world, but nowhere is it as dramatic as in the Czech Republic. Why is there no growing resistance to bad government? Why aren’t even its former voters standing up against it?

There are many reasons, but one of them is the deep division in society. Under different circumstances, many people would start thinking about what is wrong, what needs to be improved and who is preventing that change for the better. This would have led to a growth of general opposition to the Fiala government and to the Soros groups.

But many will not start thinking like that. Because they live in a society where deep and very emotional political divisions are omnipresent, the first thing that comes to mind is “so that I am not like the voters of former Prime Minister Babiš” or “so that I am not like the impoverished alternative”. In the end, they reluctantly support “their” party and do not acknowledge the depth of the problem at all.

The sharper the division, the less chance of change. Which the government seems to realize – intuitively at least – and logically tries to liquidate the last vestiges of solidarity and the last vestige of interpersonal decency. They are trying to make the impoverishment fall on only a part of society and to make it fall all the harder (to increase social disparities). And above all – there is the constant insulting of one part of society. The latter falls for the simpleton’s ruse and insults them back. It escalates the conflict and keeps the current government in power.

It seems to work the same way in America.

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