When you hear that America has banned abortion, don’t believe it. The Supreme Court has ruled that the U.S. government and U.S. law will not deal with such a thing at all. Let each state regulate it however they want. And whoever doesn’t like their state’s regulation can go somewhere else. This is neither a victory for the pro-life movement nor a defeat for the abortionists. It’s just activists on both sides needing to make noise and show action.

It will continue to be the case that American regulation is much looser than in Europe and that things will take place there that would make even the most liberal Europeans sick.

The argument will end when contraception is available and so accessible, easy to use, reliable and safe that there is no possibility of unwanted conception.

And the argument will continue, and emotions will run high on both sides. I fear that only technological progress will bring a solution. The argument will end when contraception is available and so accessible, easy to use, reliable and safe that there is no possibility of unwanted conception. Some will feel that this is a pity because children will not be born spontaneously conceived who were not really planned by their parents. Some will realise that in doing so the world will sometimes lose a great personality and many will be sorry that the magic of the unexpected will disappear. And they will be right. It will be the price paid for ending the highly ethically problematic to the point of disgusting things like artificially aborting a fully developed child (fetus) in the ninth month of pregnancy. Without restricting anyone’s freedom. Is that the price we want to pay? My personal opinion is: I wish it were already.

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