“Everyone – parties, activists, and citizens – must start fighting the narratives that the populists have set for us here. Because if we stick to the narrative that refugees are murderers, the euro will impoverish us, the EU is occupying us, the Green Deal will return us to the Middle Ages, LGBTQ minorities will tear apart traditional families, and progressive taxation will usher in communism, then bye bye Czech Republic. This is how THEY set up Czech society and all they have to do is bring it up before the election and send their 55% of the people back to vote.”

That’s how one progressivist activist close to a non-profit funded by Mr. Soros summed it up. I consider that a perfect summary of a certain political position. I’ll try to respond.

Are we saying that refugees are murderers?

We are convinced that the colonization of the Czech Republic by other ethnicities and cultures cannot end except with the newcomers prevailing. It must also be taken into account that the newcomers will not be tolerant of the existing culture and ethnicity.

We are convinced that the colonization of the Czech Republic by other ethnicities and cultures cannot end except with the newcomers prevailing.

However, we are willing to subject our opinion to a fair examination. Perhaps the multiculturalists will show us a Muslim community that will be enthusiastic about Czech culture, despise Islamic hijabs and Islamic Sharia law, and like Czech food. Maybe it will show us Muslims who don’t mind their daughters dating normal Czech boys. But so far we don’t see anything like that.

Are we saying the Euros are gonna impoverish us?

We are convinced that the loss of our own currency must lead to a worsening of economic conditions and that the consequences will fall mainly on poorer people. We are also convinced that these negative effects may not be felt immediately, but all the more strongly in times of crisis.

Maybe unemployment in the eurozone will fall rapidly. But so far we are not seeing anything like that.

However, this is by no means the only reason and argument against adopting the euro.
Nevertheless, we are willing to subject our opinion to a fair examination. Perhaps Greece, Italy, Spain and other poorer countries that have switched to the euro will start to do well economically, and perhaps the standard of living of poor people will rise rapidly. Maybe unemployment in the eurozone will fall rapidly. But so far we are not seeing anything like that.

Are we saying that the Green Deal will return us to the Middle Ages?

We believe that if the Green Deal is implemented as proposed, living standards will fall back to the 1950s or even perhaps the 1930s. However, this will be experienced much more severely because the customs and relationships that allowed people to live modestly then will be missing.

…if the Green Deal is implemented as proposed, living standards will fall back to the 1950s or even perhaps the 1930s.

Nevertheless, we are willing to subject our opinion to a fair examination. Perhaps the green enthusiasts can find new sources of energy without making it dramatically more expensive. Maybe they will invent electric cars that are affordable for the majority of the population and have performance comparable to current cars. Maybe they will find a way to save the countryside from destruction, even if herds of cattle are slaughtered. Maybe they can find new ways of growing food. But so far, we’re not seeing anything like that.

Are we saying that LGBTQ minorities will disrupt traditional families?

We believe that attempts to destroy traditional male and female roles and question gender identity will lead to nothing but a huge increase in psychological problems, increased conflict, thousands of ruined lives, and in many cases, the loss of the ability to live independently.

Attempts to destroy traditional male and female roles and question gender identity will lead to nothing but a huge increase in psychological problems, increased conflict, thousands of ruined lives…

Nevertheless, we are willing to subject our opinion to a fair examination. Perhaps the breeders of the new man will succeed in creating happy and psychologically resilient individuals who will not just whine and complain constantly (and rape each other in their spare moments) as we have witnessed so far. Maybe their new arrangement will grow into strong men capable of taking responsibility for protecting their loved ones. And tenacious, sensitive women capable of creating homes. Or, if they prefer, the other way around. Let them be strong fighting women capable of taking responsibility and tough sensitive men capable of making a home. But so far we see nothing but a flood of frustrations and psychological problems.

Are we saying that progressive taxation will usher in communism?

As far as I know, most opponents of the current global power are advocates of progressive taxation. But they disagree with setting up the tax system in such a way that it is utterly devastating to some working classes.

So, dear neo-Marxists, let’s have a debate. If you can show something other than censorship, threats, ridiculous conspiracy stories and herd mentality, we are ready to be convinced.

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