Disparaging labels are used by every regime. Even democratic regimes do so. But notice how vague the labels used by the current oligarchic regimes in Europe are. No one can properly define “disinformation”, no one can properly define what is a pro-Russian position and what is no longer. Even populism is extremely vague in their terms.

No one can properly define “disinformation”, no one can properly define what is a pro-Russian position and what is no longer.

I am afraid that the current European parodies of political leaders do not even know what their ideology is anymore. Apart from their willingness to submit to anything global. Yesterday they fought nationalism and fascism, today they enthusiastically celebrate it. What about tomorrow? Don’t they know themselves? It’s just a matter of filling time with a lot of platitudes. After all, the Czech Prime Minister’s last speech could easily have been created in a phrase generator, of which there are many on the Internet.

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