The expected hurricane that was supposed to blow away the Biden Democrats somehow didn’t happen. The party of the demented president achieved the best governing party result in a midterm election in 20 years. It maintained its majority in the Senate, and if it eventually loses Congress, it will do so very narrowly. When you add to this the fact that a significant number of Republicans are neoconservatives (i.e., people with the same views as the anti-civilization left) and that the Biden boys continue to control the administration and a number of other institutions, we can conclude that their power remains unshaken. You can suffer from dementia and you don’t have to hide it, in today’s United States that’s enough.

A foreign policy that prefers endless war with Russia, seeks war with China, and is prepared to attack anyone whose actions could possibly reduce the profits of an American corporation…

It is bad news for the whole world. A foreign policy that prefers endless war with Russia, seeks war with China, and is prepared to attack anyone whose actions could possibly reduce the profits of an American corporation will continue. But make no mistake, most Americans will not benefit. Living standards will continue to decline.

Election fraud? Of course!

It’s interesting because all the polls showed Biden’s Democrats would be crushed. Hopefully this will wake up those who believe that polls favor mainstream candidates. Rather, the reality is that pollsters occasionally make mistakes, and that those mistakes are randomly scattered across all parties. They failed to spot Trump’s rise in 2016, and they failed to spot his collapse in 2022.

Readers will probably jump at the possibility of voter fraud. Was there cheating? Of course! There has been massive cheating in every major US election since the 1970s. Why should this time be any different. The general disintegration and chaos is a big contributor. The US has once again shown itself to the world as a country that can’t do something like collect and count ballots. In many places there was confusion, some places ran out of ballots, some places lost documents, some places the rules were not followed… just America. Understandably, this opens up room for manipulation, and understandably that plays a role in close elections. But let’s make no mistake. Those who are strong and capable enough to get their supporters to the polls are also strong and capable enough to defend their victory against attempts at fraud. And vice versa.

Those who are strong and capable enough to get their supporters to the polls are also strong and capable enough to defend their victory against attempts at fraud. And vice versa.

Useless Republicans

So what happened? Why didn’t President Biden’s disgraceful performance lead to an electoral debacle? Based on the first data released after the election, it appears that Republicans were the cause. Their supporters were lax, and many of them didn’t even show up to vote in the end. People just hate government, but they don’t believe Republicans would do any better. And the Republicans are behaving in a way that gives credence to that suspicion. They haven’t shown a single bold new face or come up with a single new idea since their defeat in 2020. This year they have offered “anti-biden”, “anti-biden” and “anti-biden”. Other than that, just a rehash of themes that have been tired hundreds of times. They got completely unnecessarily entangled in the abortion issue, where there is nothing to win. Occasionally they gave space to crazy conspiracy theorists. Then something whining about the world being unfair to them. They were right, it really is, but most voters don’t care. And at times horrible neoliberal anti-social rants about how this or that social program must be cut and how the richest corporations should pay even less taxes than they already do. Would you vote for that? Maybe you would, because it’s better than the demented warlord decimating the American economy. But no enthusiasm.

Republicans don’t have more volunteers, they don’t have them better trained, they don’t have a smarter organization. While the other side is working.

Besides, the Republicans don’t seem to have been able to build any more efficient an apparatus than they had two years ago. They don’t have more volunteers, they don’t have them better trained, they don’t have a smarter organization. While the other side is working.

The bubble versus the silent majority

In a sense, we’re going back to a time when America was rocked by leftist demonstrations and then overwhelmingly won elections by Nixon and conservatives like him. Supporters of the left at the time believed in voter fraud, but the real cause was elsewhere. The Bubble! Radical groups emerge, they become isolated from the mainstream, they become radicalized, they become even more isolated… We see this all over the western world today. Mass demonstrations do not lead to a change in conditions because they do not have the support of the silent majority. Donald Trump can thunder to a packed stadium, but it’s still just a bubble.

There are other times when mass demonstrations express the opinion of the majority of society. But this is not the case with the current “alternative”.

Can the poor ever defeat the power elite? In some historical periods it is possible (when the elite is significantly weakened), but something else must be met. There has to be a Zizka or a Lenin or a Cromwell to train an army out of the poor. Without such a “detail” we still have only different variants of the peasants revolt.

There has to be a Zizka or a Lenin or a Cromwell to train an army out of the poor. Without such a “detail” we still have only different variants of the peasants revolt.

If such a person ever appears, he will first have to fight the various “popular leaders” whose basic strategy is to pander. Do you want to hear that witches are responsible for everything? Or the Jews? Or something about killer vaccines? Or about the Great Reset? Nothing is a problem, and we make no demands on anyone. The crowd applauds, the leader basks in the admiration of the masses, or pulls some money out of the poor bastards. They all feel great, but they are no match for the ruling class.

Until someone can be found to defeat them, any popular revolt is unthinkable. And of course the existing elites will support the conspirators.

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