Note that in the civilization circuits that undergo successful periods of success, optimism prevails. People are looking forward to the future, and especially looking forward to the future associated with new technologies. They want to hear about new inventions and they’re excited about how those inventions and scientific discoveries will improve their lives and the lives of their children. When they hear about something new, the first thing they first thing that pops into their head is a positive use. They are so optimistic even then, when they’re very unhappy with the current government, the current political regime or see glaring injustices.
Even Europeans have had it this way since the Industrial Revolution until the end of the 20th century. Or almost to the end of the 20th century – despite brief episodes of smashing of machines. Today, they are this optimistic in India, China, and perhaps elsewhere. U here, pessimism and depression prevail. Some may say that we are …more advanced, more enlightened, more realistic. There may be something to that, but… …it’s still true that technological pessimism is a sign of decline.
We can tell that the trend of decline has turned into regeneration by – among other things – the resurgence of technological optimism.
By the way, when you hear about chips implanted in the brain, what do you comes to mind first? Solutions for disabled people with immobile limbs or human control?