Professor Oskar Krejci: “Because respect for the legacy of these men has been fostered in U.S. citizens since childhood, some have the false notion that the people actually ruled at one time. That the task is to RETURN the power of the people, to BRING TRUTH and morality BACK into politics.”

The notions of the old golden days must be treated with great caution. And I write this as one who believes that the period up to the 1980s was the best in the history of the West and that it is possible to build on it in many respects.

But the rule of the people in particular is problematic. It is something obscure and perhaps even impossible. Moreover, no one has ever seen it. It is always a president or a minister who decides in the end. But it may well be that the government needs popular support and therefore must try to make life good for the people. That’s not such a utopia.

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