The sociological classic Max Weber used the term instrumental rational action to refer to those actions that lead in the most direct way to the intended goal. As opposed to actions determined, for example, by emotions or habits. Purposeful rational action is direct, uninhibited and unscrupulous.

I think we will have the opportunity to see this in the new American administration:

  • The purpose of action is to maximize the wealth and power of the United States of America
  • In the war in Ukraine, the Americans have no more leverage. They have carried out all stages of escalation, there is nowhere to go, the ammunition and missile depots are empty.
  • But they have one triumph left. They can shut down the satellites, blind the remaining Ukrainian fighters and essentially strip them of their ability to resist.
  • While the Russians are winning overwhelmingly, they are not winning without losses and without significant material damage. There is nothing strange about that. The Red Army was still dying in May 1945.
  • So it is reasonable to assume that the Russians would be willing to pay for shutting down Ukraine (and winning faster).

What do you think? What will Trump demand? Better conditions for Ukraine or rather some economic benefits for the US?

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