Éric Zemmour announces his candidacy for the French presidency. This is, among other things, a test for Marine le Pen. She can be sure that she will not be able to defeat Macron. She has had four years to build a stronger organisation, to change her image, to convince the public that she is the right leader for extremely difficult times. She accomplished none of it. The polls and the election results in the meantime consistently show that Marine Le Pen is over the top.

Now she could support Éric Zemmour. If she cares about France, if she wants to stop Islamisation, then the logical thing to do is to offer Zemmour all her support and settle for the role of number two. She won’t be president either way. The bet on Zemmour may not work, at the moment Macron has the upper hand. But Zemmour is growing, and there’s no better chance.

…at the moment Macron has the upper hand. But Zemmour is growing, and there’s no better chance.

Or it will turn out that Le Pen is really playing herself, and that France is at best a second best for her. The only effect of her efforts will be to make it easier for Macron to defend himself. We are seeing the same principle in more places in Europe and the US – the opposition is paralysed by the fact that, controlled by a leader who is past his prime, he cannot bring his movement to success, but can destroy all potential competitors. Just think of our neighbouring Slovakia, where Marian Kotleba plays a similar role.

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