Everywhere there is talk of a Trump revolution and I get legitimate objections as to what kind of revolution it is where billionaires play a key role.

What is this revolution? Well, it’s a normal revolution! Judge for yourself:

1688 – England – Bankers’ Revolution
1775 – English colonies in North America – the landlord revolution
1789 – France – Revolution of the factory owners
1848 – all of Europe – revolution of entrepreneurs in all sectors
1918 – the Russian Revolution may have been carried out by the Bolsheviks, but it could not have been done without the money of the big bankers

What about the people’s revolutions? Well those are the ones that textbooks have entries about like “there was a wave of peasant revolts in the second half of the 17th century.” They’re certainly not history-changing events.

It’s just political propaganda and Hollywood movies portraying revolutions as the actions of poor honest working people.
But that doesn’t change the fact that even these lordly revolutionaries often need the support of the popular (poor) masses and that the changes they push for in these revolutions are often beneficial to the working poor. In all those revolutions the working classes were involved.

Just like now. The Trump revolution is a perfectly ordinary revolution.

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