Islam and the women

Feb 10, 2022

The public debate covers a wide range of issues – from covid and vaccination to nuclear power plants and war. The Islamisation of Europe is becoming a fringe issue, probably not sexy enough anymore.

But it is happening in waves. Sometimes there is a year when there is a major change, a major cathedral burning or an assassination with hundreds dead, then the newspapers are full of it. But there are also normal years when it doesn’t attract so much attention. Now and then a new mosque is built, now and then a groundbreaking court ruling is handed down, now and then some change in corporate rules, and now and then an opponent of jihad (now they’re called “Islamophobes”) is fired. But none of this gets much attention. When the situation is ripe for the next big wave. And so it goes on and on.

The islamization is happening in waves. Sometimes there is a year when there is a major change, a major cathedral burning or an assassination with hundreds dead…

That’s why it’s important to study Islam even in the years when it’s operating subtly. And to spread awareness. That’s one of the reasons I supported the English translation of Bill Warner’s The Islamic Doctrine of Women.

This time he discusses the Muslim holy books’ view of women. Some may object that they know a certain Muslim who sees it differently. I’m not arguing, but that doesn’t change the fact that the position of the Muslim holy books is clear and unambiguous on all substantive points.


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