(the first part of the article is here)

In Ukraine, neo-Nazi groups that should have been and could have remained completely marginal groups have been given support. These are no longer teenagers who provoke with swastikas, but adults who are dusting off the old doctrines about the need to exterminate the Jews and other supposedly inferior races in all seriousness. They were useful to US interests and therefore received maximum support – weapons, training and direct US funding. As it turns out, the neo-Nazi battalions (in fact, they were reconstituted SS units) had much better conditions than the regular Ukrainian army.

As it turns out, the neo-Nazi battalions had much better conditions than the regular Ukrainian army.

It didn’t go entirely smoothly. In 2016, evidence of what the Americans were funding in Ukraine was presented to the US Congress, and shocked congressmen ordered an immediate halt to support for the neo-Nazi battalions there. Two years later, the ban was quietly lifted. “In recent years, the United States has deliberately ignored the glorification of Nazi collaborators, providing financial benefits to those who fought alongside the Nazis,” the head of Simon Wiesental Center said at the time, warning that neo-Nazi troops posed a direct threat to Jewish groups in Ukraine. But the argument that “Russian aggression is even worse” prevailed. Never mind that no Russian aggression was underway at the time.

Indeed, the Rubicon had been crossed a bit earlier. In 2014, Ukrainian neo-Nazis burned more than 40 people in Odessa. They did so in full view of the entire civilised world. And they got away with it! The West had enough resources. It could have pressured the Ukrainian war to bring the guilty to justice. But nothing happened. Swastikas have ceased to be taboo. Burning subhumans is no longer taboo. And the movement gained strength. When social control disappears and when bad things are no longer discouraged, more people start to join. It doesn’t have to be the whole society. It doesn’t even have to be half of society. But it’s enough for that behavior to set the conditions.

Swastikas have ceased to be taboo. Burning subhumans is no longer taboo. And the movement gained strength.

And if you don’t mind burning dozens of people in front of the whole world, then no one will address a few anti-Roma pogroms or the killing of an inconvenient politician.

The neo-Nazis have gradually begun to determine the conditions in Ukraine. As Professor Mearsheimer has observed, among other things, because they are pushing the government exactly where American bureaucrats and, above all, American business want it. Neo-Nazi militias carry out repression, execute unreliable citizens on the spot, punish deserters, and pressure the government.

I am not defending Ukraine. I’m going to kill Jews

Many may say to themselves that this does not matter in Ukraine. After all, the country had no meaning to liberal Democrats other than a supply of cleaning ladies, prostitutes and cheap construction workers. And also a reservoir of people willing and able to kill Russians, which no member of the Western elites would dare to do.

But it won’t stop there. A few weeks ago, the Washington Post reported that Ukraine is attracting fanatics from all over the world. “Their goal is not to defend Ukraine as we know it — a multiethnic, democratically minded society led by a Jewish president. Some neo-Nazis simply see this new war as a place to act out their violent fantasies. For others, though, the force pulling them toward the conflict is a shared vision for an ultranationalist ethno-state. They see Ukraine as a golden opportunity to pursue this goal and turn it into a model to export across the world.”

In a situation of pro-Ukrainian fanaticism, it will be very difficult for the security forces to investigate anything, as this will mean the risk of being accused of being pro-Russian.

The Washington Post also points out that recruitment ads are placed on fringe sites targeting small groups of supporters of violently achieved racial purity. And it quotes from discussions on these servers.

“Anyway when I get to Ukraine I’m going to kill extra Jews now whenever I see them.”

“I’m getting my gear together, hail Hitler, glory to Ukraine and let’s all kill some [expletive] Jews for Wotan!”

“I am not defending Ukraine, I am defending National Socialism.”

Dangerous waste of civilization

It’s always tricky to make judgements based on a few nutters. But nobody’s stopping those nutters. Their attitude is rewarded. Those who are not killed will return to their countries with combat experience and even more brutal than before. Many will have a history of war crimes like massacring civilians and torturing prisoners. In a situation of pro-Ukrainian fanaticism, it will be very difficult for the security forces to investigate anything, as this will mean the risk of being accused of being pro-Russian. It will work in the same way as it works today with racism and Islamophobia. It will also be easy for NGOs to switch to supporting them. In the Czech Republic this has already started – local branches of Soros organisations have switched from Africans to Ukrainians.

Are we breeding more jihadists? It’s different. Jihad is an attack from another civilization; here we are encountering our own civilizational waste. But as I write in Breaking the Walls, anyone who thinks Western civilization is less violent than Islamic civilization should go see Auschwitz. The West can handle it. But at the cost of immeasurable sacrifice and immeasurable suffering. And those sacrifices won’t be made by the same people who are today letting the genie out of the bottle and feeding it enthusiastically.

When the intellectual elites begin to support Nazism, our entire value system is affected.

Moreover, the consequences may run much deeper. When the intellectual elites begin to support Nazism, our entire value system is affected. Today we are unable to see what all will change and what all will be perceived differently. But it will certainly not be a change towards greater sensitivity or more humane attitudes.

Someone very naive might welcome the idea that Islamic terrorism and intellectual rampages will be countered by Western white supremacist terror. But let us not be mistaken. The supporters of such movements are able to reason very easily. Even ideologically, they are closer to each other than meets the eye.

Adolf Hitler himself greatly admired Islam and found it well compatible with the doctrine of racial struggle.

Adolf Hitler himself greatly admired Islam and found it well compatible with the doctrine of racial struggle. Many Muslims in turn admire Adolf Hitler. And the opponent of both groups must objectively admit that there is no more suitable ideology for warring clans than Islam.

The Western-Ukrainian experiment is thus in many ways more interesting than the Stanford one. But it is somewhat spoiled by the idea that we are conducting the experiment on ourselves. Hopefully the thorough Chinese will at least document it in detail so that one day there will be something to analyze.

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