How has covid changed the political scene? The analytics company YouGov has released research results from 10 European countries, and they see the same trend everywhere. The public looks at the anti-system (populist) opposition much more critically than two years ago. Conversely, they look much less critically at the political elites. This also applies to views on particular issues (for example, there are fewer people who say that the government should follow the will of the people). The anti-system opposition is more radical than before, but much smaller in number. The tragedy is that neither the activists nor the heads of that opposition can see this. They are finally getting free access to the mainstream media. And they have no idea that the intention behind this is to let them make a mockery of themselves.

When normal people see a multicultural activist on TV talking about the benefits of Muslim migration, they are usually in the clear.

When normal people see a multicultural activist on TV talking about the benefits of Muslim migration, they are usually in the clear. When they see a nurse there from their regional hospital whom they know personally, and when that nurse cries over dying covid patients, they are also clear. They see the activist shouting that there is no epidemic as a fool. Demonstrators may fill the square, but they are not the voice of the silent majority. They are against the silent majority.

This is a huge difference from the years when the key issue was migration and unemployment.

Demonstrators may fill the square, but they are not the voice of the silent majority. They are against the silent majority.

In short, what is happening is what I have articulated, that the alternative is becoming a closed sect isolated from mainstream society. The fact that people tend to rally behind the current government when a crisis comes may also play a role. When they saw their government constantly pushing for migration, they reacted with resistance. When they see the government trying to solve an epidemic and the opposition just kicking its ankles, they react in the opposite way.

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