I was compiling a summary for someone of the fraud that took place in the US presidential election and realised what a disastrously sloppy job Trump’s people did and how they made it easy for the other side. Nowhere is there a reliable inventory of what fraud occurred! The public domain is filled with a mixture of truthful information, enhanced information, and utter nonsense, and it is extremely difficult for the average reader to verify the truthfulness. So most people “make up their minds” – depending on which side they sympathise with. And the big media will dismiss the whole thing as a silly conspiracy theory with great ease.

So we have a flood of Twitter messages that “speak on behalf of us” (until the Twitter operator deletes it), but the basic work is not done.

If these people can’t compile and publish one set of verified facts, how are they going to counter the combined machinery of the U.S. administration and the Soros NGOs?

I fear this is not just a problem for Donald Trump, but for much of the forces of resistance to globalist domination. In many countries. There is no interest in doing solid work, there is an interest in creating an impression and whipping up emotions. So we have a flood of Twitter messages that “speak on behalf of us” (until the Twitter operator deletes it), but the basic work is not done.

And the results match that. As much as Biden is considered a superloser, if the election were today, he would probably beat Trump. Even without the cheating. Trump can fill get tens of thousands of people into stadiums, stir up emotions, but it’s still nothing more than mutual reassurance within a closed minority.

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