Designed to kill

Apr 3, 2022

Jewish intellectual Melanie Phillips wonders why the world doesn’t understand that Israel is like Ukraine (and why there aren’t Israeli flags everywhere like the yellow and blue ones). Well, because Israel is not like Ukraine! If we were going to make comparisons, then Ukraine is like Palestine.

The model is the same in both cases. A gigantic empire is defeated by a smaller and seemingly weaker rival. So they artificially create an even smaller state whose only job is to fight that rival. No economy of its own, no life of its own, no development of its own – a state and nation good only for killing Jews or killing Russians. The empire then continues to press on, and in doing so actually fights for the human rights (of the small entity it has artificially created for that purpose).

No economy of its own, no life of its own, no development of its own – a state and nation good only for killing Jews or killing Russians.

Of course it’s not in their interest. It is not in the interest of the Ukrainians to have their country as a beachhead for an attack on Russia. Nor do they have any interest in murdering villagers in the Donbas. After all, it was on the basis of those very promises that Zelensky won the election – good relations with Russia and an end to the shelling of Donbass. But what good are elections if your foreign “allies” won’t allow peace. You were not made for peace. The future of Palestine and the future of Ukraine depends on whether it can break out of this formula and whether it can stand up to its sponsors.

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