On monster
For perhaps the second time I read an article about how our only problem is that the West has lost faith in itself (this time by Fareed Zakaria), and in…
For perhaps the second time I read an article about how our only problem is that the West has lost faith in itself (this time by Fareed Zakaria), and in…
All or almost all people tend to act selfishly. Trying to change this is foolish. But this does not mean that everyone tends to act only selfishly. In fact, a…
Immediately after the recent Hamas attack, a public discussion began in Israel about whether there was a failure of the security forces, where the fault lay, who was responsible, what…
The theory of comparative advantage has always been a mystery to me. The theory says – quite logically – that if each country concentrates on what it is relatively best…
The meaning of the term ” taqiyya” is quite well known among independent-minded people. In Islam, the term is used to describe a martial lie. A Muslim confuses the infidels…
In his early writings, Samuel Huntington distinguished between “form of government” (democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, etc.) and “degree of government.” The degree of government is, in his view, more important. Degree…