The boys react with direct aggression, while the girls plot. This is one of the biologically embedded differences that work across time and across civilizations.

It also manifests itself where adolescents are in a situation that they feel they absolutely cannot handle, that the world is unfair, everything around them is unbearable. A young man gets drunk, commits some crazy riot, is punished accordingly, and if it happens only a few times in his life, society can live with it.

This is not a masculine formula. That’s a pattern typical of low masculinity and low psychological resilience.

If such a young man took a rifle or an axe and went to a supermarket and killed random people, perhaps that could be described as an extremely pathological version of the same behaviour. But the problem is with young men who don’t have this direct masculine aggression. Instead, the young man spends months carefully planning how he will harm the surrounding community, which supermarket or school he will go to, who he will shoot at, where he will get his guns, and even addressing how it will affect the audience… This is not a masculine formula. That’s a pattern typical of low masculinity and low psychological resilience. So far in the US, but Europe will follow sooner or later.

It’s high time to admit that “alternative masculinity” is becoming the next civilizational threat. Another threat artificially created. A generation ago, when “alternative masculinity” was somewhere on the fringes, mass shootings were rare. Does anyone really believe that the solution is more censorship on Facebook or more stamps on gun purchases?

Of course I know Payton Gendron isn’t a transgender, but the point is that if masculinity is constantly under attack, it affects ordinary young boys too.

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