We’ve all come across hysterical mothers of spoiled schoolchildren at some point. Their lives revolve around the supposed genius of their children (mostly stupid or neglected due to their own laziness), and they react incredibly aggressively to anything that might challenge that image – including trying to force those children to do some work or study. At the same time, they pander to their children, begging for their attention and favor.

This has been with us for decades, and it’s not very interesting. What’s more interesting is that it has entered another phase. The kid is an adult, doing some completely useless job at a corporation or non-profit or at least at a summer camp for “future leaders”, personal life useless, can’t do anything, but mom is beside herself with admiration. It would be pretty natural up to this point. Almost every mom wants to see her kids in the best light. My mom does, too. And her mom and her mom’s mom had it that way. It’s just that it comes with an utterly uncritical admiration for a shallow world of ideas, and an unbounded devotion to their political ideals (which the young ones will eventually replace anyway). The understandable hysterical defense of one’s own children becomes a hysterical defense of the government, the castle party, and similar deviant groups. And the militancy! Evolutionary biologists say that the willingness of females to fight for their young increases with age, and this is probably borne out here.

When the statistics say that the group most beholden to the liberal oligarchy is young female students, followed closely by women in their fifties, this is largely what’s behind it. I’m glad I have minimal contact with this kind of woman. The women my age in my neighborhood are generally reasonable and easy-going.

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