The mailchimp robot that I had been using for four years to send out newsletters and invitations had given up on me. The operators of the service sent me a brief notice that I had violated the terms and conditions (they didn’t specify anything more) and that they were ending it. Of course, I’ll make other arrangements, but these are some days of wasted work that I could have devoted to something more useful.

But cutting off customers and not trying to extract money from them – only… multinational corporations can do that.

A few days later I learned that Mailchimp had been taken over by Intuit Corporation. And by the looks of it, so are most takeovers. The new owner paid $12 billion, customer service hasn’t improved, no big profits will come from it either… but it will allow a lot of new managers to be appointed and a lot of internal programs to be delivered. Probably strengthened the corporate responsibility department too and the internal inquisition went on a rampage. If they wanted more money, that would be understandable. But cutting off customers and not trying to extract money from them – only… multinational corporations can do that.

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