Sharia in Slovakia

Mar 6, 2023

Brave Slovak girl Sheila Szmerek was sentenced to three years in prison for defaming the Koran. It is not a question of pressure from the Muslim community. Her entire arrest and prosecution and conviction was carried out by model atheists and model Catholics. I remind you that the right to defame the Bible and the right to defame Hindu, Buddhist and other holy scriptures still applies in Slovakia. Islam has thus become the de facto privileged state religion. In Morocco or Jordan, Sheila Szmerek would not have been punished more severely, let alone in Syria. Even before November 1989, you wouldn’t get three years hard time for defiling Marx’s Capital.

Progressives will of course agree with that sentence. Just as they agree with the restoration of SS divisions, with the most severe anti-Semitism, and just as they would agree with burning people or stoning them to death if it came to that. This is not hyperbole. These people have no convictions, no moral positions, no opinions of their own. That is, other than a belief in their own moral superiority.

It is not a question of pressure from the Muslim community. Her entire arrest and prosecution and conviction was carried out by model atheists and model Catholics.

However, it might help others to realize two important points.

First. The Islamisation of Europe has not disappeared and it is not just about the UK, France and Sweden. It has disappeared from the news headlines and even the anti-system opposition is taking more notice of the Green Destiny, the war or the transgender rampage. But not paying attention to something doesn’t make it any less dangerous.

Second. There is no point in paying undue attention to new laws, constitutional changes or the ratification of this or that international treaty. Those are just papers, and the new aristocracy will do its own thing anyway, regardless of the papers. Has any document on the implementation of Sharia been approved? Has a new law on the supremacy of the true faith been passed? Has Slovakia joined the international treaty on the spread of Islam? And yet the situation has changed as if it had.


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