In 2018, Petr published his first book, Breached Enclosure: Why the West Is Being Defeated by Islam but Might Still Come Out Okay. This book, written and published in Czech, became a bestseller on the Czech market with over 17,000 copies sold, making it the highest-selling sociology book in Czech history. Professor Jan Keller, a member of the European Parliament at that time, wrote the foreword.

Robert B. Spencer, a New York Times Bestseller author and editor of Jihad Watch commented: “This extraordinary book answers questions that everyone should be asking, but no one is: how has the West lost its mind and made up its mind to commit civilizational suicide? And why do so few people even realize that this is happening, and even fewer care? Why are most people ignorant, and the rest resigned and fatalistic?

The answers given to those questions and related ones in this book are fascinating and compelling. This is the first and only book to tackle in such depth and from such an enlightening perspective the puzzle of why the free world has now determined to ignore the obvious and, like a massive gang of demented five-year-olds, to play pretend to the end, even if that end means their own destruction.“

An English translation of Breached Enclosure was recently published by Arktos Books.

In 2019, Hampl also published in Czech a selection of essays under the title Fairness and Creativity: Chapters from Redneck Sociology.

In 2020, another book was published. It is called Road from Serfdom: to attract the next generation to defend Western civilization, and it is available only in Czech.

This was followed in 2022 by Reflections on Elites, War and Peace, which explains how the mentality of Western elites is shaped and how decision-making processes take place. It is actually an additional chapter to Enclosure Breached, which applies the original theory to the war in Ukraine.

Hampl’s last book was published in 2023 under the title Sobering: On Czech National Crossroads at a Time of the Collapse of Liberal Hegemony and Western Domination. The author searches for the causes of the current Western problems and considers what type of reforms would make the West a good place to live again. The book exists only in Czech.