In the Czech Republic, what Western countries already have is in full swing. Incoming Education Minister Petr Gazdík believes that children must be taught thoroughly about climate change. At the same time, the ministry is cutting back on maths and physics, which the new minister agrees with. Taken together, this means that a graduate of a Euro-democratic education system will not be able to understand what climate is and how it relates to temperatures and energy flows. However, he can repeat all the required slogans. And maybe he can even make a banner for a climate demonstration. Bravo! He has managed not only to catch up, but to anticipate. But not the Chinese, but the old Stalinist system. Even their education system hasn’t sunk this low.

So European children will be learning political corectness, and meanwhile Chinese children will be preparing for the next generation of space flight and building fusion reactors.

I wonder how you are going to explain to such primitives what vaccination is, and why it is better to use modern medicine than to be treated with a rope from a hangman’s noose torn off under a full moon. It’s already a problem. What might it look like when these new geniuses come out of the schools?

So European children will be learning political corectness, and meanwhile Chinese children will be preparing for the next generation of space flight and building fusion reactors. Eventually, they may offer to trade us our country for ecological beads. If that’s not enough, they’ll throw in a few small mirrors.

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