There was a time when the heads of enemies were displayed impaled on stakes. Adolf Hitler revived that tradition (in a slightly more sophisticated way) when he displayed destroyed Soviet tanks. Now the Ukrainian government has taken it up, with the enthusiastic help of some European governments. So be it.

But they forgot to show something. Pictures of killed Ukrainian boys (there may be well over 100,000 of them already). Pictures of their crying parents. Pictures of girls who won’t get married because there will be no men in their generation. Maps of an empty country with no one to live in. I understand that our warlords rabidly hate the Russians, but why don’t they at least feel sorry for the Ukrainians.

But they forgot to show something. Pictures of killed Ukrainian boys. Pictures of their crying parents.

I’m afraid that captures the essence of the phrase “we won’t let you fall” well. Even if the war ends the next minute and the Ukrainian government achieves all its goals, that nation is already destroyed. And for what? No one wanted to take away their own state, no one wanted to stop them from speaking Ukrainian, no one wanted to take away their way of life… they died for the right to have American missiles deployed on their territory and for the right to clear the Donbas of Russians, where none of them wanted to live anyway. Was it really worth it? And is it really worth continuing?

That’s how we didn’t let them fall.

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